About us

About us

Company profile

Innovation, mission, leadership

Xiamen Juporcelain Technology Co., Ltd. is an innovative high-tech enterprise committed to the development, production and sales of high-grade aluminum nitride powder and ceramic products。The core team is composed of well-known experts in the domestic aluminum nitride industry, former executives of listed enterprises and industry sales elites, and more than 10% of the personnel with doctoral degrees。
Relying on the research results of University of Science and Technology Beijing in the field of aluminum nitride, the company has won the "Second Prize of National Science and Technology Invention", "First Prize of Scientific and Technological Invention of China Non-ferrous Metal Industry", "First place in the final of New Materials Industry of China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition", and many other honors。
The company's main products are high purity aluminum nitride powder, aluminum nitride granulation powder, aluminum nitride filler powder and injection molding complex precision aluminum nitride ceramic products four series, has been recognized and praised by customers at home and abroad。
The company adheres to the enterprise policy of "innovation, mission, leading", adheres to continuous innovation, continuously promotes technological progress, and promotes the healthy development of aluminum nitride industry with science and technology。

20 +亩

Floor space


Total plant area

500 +

Service enterprise


Utility patent


Corporate culture

Company message: its body is right, do not order;Its body is not right, although make not;Their respective, sunny dinning, each phase responsibility, the sky turned upside down;Self-improvement, self-help, people help, day wish also;Do not forget the original heart, keep in mind the mission, be honest, understand gratitude, and strive for the ideal!


No innovation, no porcelain;No innovation, no development;The innovation into the blood of Juporcelain people;

People have no I have, people have my excellent, people have my new


Our mission: to be an international leader in the industry, to break the international monopoly, and to support the healthy development of the industry

People with a mission are happier


Using the strong technical background of Jusci, we continue to carry out scientific and technological innovation, and strive to become a leader in the domestic and even international aluminum nitride industry。


The country wins, society wins, industry wins, employees win, customers win, Juporcelain win;

Work together for win-win cooperation


Porcelain people to learn to do every little thing, think about every detail, one percent of the negligence, it may lead to 100 percent failure;

Do not fail to do good even if it's small, do not engage in evil even if it's small


Juporcelain people should be strict with themselves and form a good habit from their own political ideology, cultural connotation, appearance, business ability, daily life;

Self-cultivation, family harmony, governance and world peace

Company history

Development course


May - Jujia Technology New Industrial Park was put into use, with an annual production capacity of 700t aluminum nitride powder and 200t ceramic products


February - Professor Qin Mingli, chief scientist of the company, was selected as the seventh batch of innovative talents in Fujian Province "Hundred Talents Plan"

Mar - Juporcelain Technology Plant 3 put into operation

August - Two integration management system evaluation certificate, Xiamen New materials Enterprise, ISO14001 environmental management system certification

December - National high-tech enterprise identification


July - ISO9001 quality management system certification

July - The company's chief scientist Professor Qin Mingli was selected as the fourth batch of national "Ten thousand People Plan" scientific and technological innovation leading talents

December - Professor Qin Mingli, chief scientist of the company, won the second prize of the National Technological Invention Award


Feb - Juporcelain Technology Plant 2 put into operation

June - Third prize of Central Enterprise Yixing Innovation and Creativity Competition

September - Second Prize of the most potential venture capital investment project of Chuangronghui Innovation Conference


May - The first continuous furnace entered the factory, starting a new journey

July - The third prize of the 6th China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and the 3rd "Egret Star" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Xiamen City

September - Xiamen Cross-Straits Equity Trading Center listed enterprises

November - First prize in the New Materials Start-up Group of the 6th China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

December - First Prize of China Nonferrous Metals Industry Science and Technology Award


December - Company registration is successful


Enterprise honor

Relying on the research results of the University of Science and Technology Beijing in the field of aluminum nitride, the company has won many honors such as "China Nonferrous Metal Industry Science and Technology First Prize (Invention)", "China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition New Material Industry First prize (first place in the country)" and "National High-tech Enterprise"。